The owl was in its regular roost spot in the Hemlock Tree when I arrived this afternoon. So, I birded around the Evodia Field and Shakespeare Garden before returning to the owl roost.
The wind gusts had been so strong, the owl had been forced to a branch just off the main trunk of the tree to keep from being flung around! It worked out nicely for the owl watchers as the bird was much easier to see in this location.
Unfortunately, folks had jumped the fences and walked near where the owl normally makes a first stop, so tonight the owl made a long first hop to a tree. These same folks, then flushed the bird and it flew to a low branch.
Luckily, at this point most observers left and a few respectful birders got to observe the owl. I was able to stay with it for about forty minutes.
It made a small journey to another branch and patiently watched for rodents. It also coughed up a pellet. It must have been in the same tree for at least 20 minutes. It hunted but most likely missed and ended up on a branch a few feet off the ground. After about 5 minutes, it pounced hard on the ground. It was too dark at this point to see if it caught anything, but given the small squeak I heard, I assume it did. After a few minutes the owl then went west towards water.