I arrived a little late to see fly out, but heard reports of a quick copulation after fly out in the area down near the stream at Glen Span Arch. The owls had escaped from view.
Luckly, after a few minutes, another birder found the owls in at the edge of the lawn near to the two pine trees across the road. The owls stayed there for quite some time.
They then went back across the road, only to return to the west side of the West Drive. The owls then took a long route that eventually take them to the playground at 96/97th and Central Park West. They went along the Pool, copulated somewhere around 101st Street near the bank of The Pool and crossed over the 100th Street road heading south. They hunted along the subway vents just inside the park from 99th to 98th, then along the edges of the 96/97th Street Viaduct, luckily at the park not the traffic level.