Tonight was a delightful evening in Washington Square. Bobby was present most of the evening and Violet took a break from the nest.
The New York Times reports that Chris Nadereski and a vet from the Bronx Zoo will be on hand tomorrow afternoon to remove Violet’s band. We’ll see how they do. Both of these individuals aren’t normally doing rehabilitation work with Red-tailed Hawks in New York City.
In general, the N.Y.S. D.E.C. chooses folks who have excellent curriculum vitae when the press is involved, rather than experienced but less credentialed individuals. Those who know the true details of the coyote Hal’s death will understand what I’m talking about.
Update: No action was taken on Thursday. I have no details. I would suggest keeping an eye on the New York Times blog. Although her leg doesn’t seem normal, she is no longer knuckling her talons. This is a good sign.