After years of juvenile hawks, and last year’s pair of unsuccessful nesters, this year Washington Square finally has an active nest with three eggs. The nest is on a window ledge of Dr. John Sexton’s office, President of the university, at N.Y.U.’s Bobst Library. This location continues the pattern of hawks in Manhattan finding spectacular places to build nests.
The library is on the south east corner of Washington Square on West 4th Street. The nest is on the side of the building that faces the park, on the top floor, the second window from the west.
The New York Times had a nice feature on the nest yesterday, and has set up a webcam to view the nest. The streaming feed is on, which also provides applications for the iPhone and iPad. If you use these applications, search for NYT Hawk Cam.
The mobile feed is exciting since it will allow hawk watchers to go to the park, and get a webcam view of the nest on their mobile devices, while simultaneously watching the other parent off the nest.
The ledge the nest sits on is fairly deep, so the brooding female is usually hidden from the street. But if all goes well and the eggs hatch, the eyasses will be easy to see after three or four weeks.
My video and photographs from the park perspective on Thursday evening are below.