The Washington Square fledgling has chosen a secluded spot atop rooftops on a set of low N.Y.U buildings to spend its first few days off the nest. It seems like a perfect spot to get used to living off the nest.
At the Trump Parc nest, it took one of the fledglings a week to enter Central Park from its building perches on Central Park South and 58th Streets. The Washington Square fledgling also doesn’t seem to be in a rush. It’s parents also don’t seem to be in a rush as they continue to feed the fledgling on the roofs.
I’ll be on vacations for the first two weeks of July, so if you’re depending on me for Washington Square news, I would advise finding alternative sources!
Sunday afternoon, I watched for hours and only got a one minute glimpse of the fledgling after 5 p.m. Watching in real life, rather than on a webcam takes a lot more effort!