Red-tailed Hawk nests are the order of the day in New York City this year. I think we have at least ten confirmed nests. In the next few weeks, we should have lots of babies all through the city. I’m going on vacation but will be back in time for some Red-tail babies.
Beyond my reporting there are lots of excellent websites in New York with news of Red-tail nests.
Rob Jett’s City Birder blog has news of two nests in Brooklyn and news via Chris Lyons of hawks in the Bronx.
Robert B. Schmunk’s Bloomingdale Village blog has been keeping tabs on the Cathedral Church of St. John hawks and other hawks in Central Park.
Jeffrey Kollbrunner’s website has news of a pair of hawks in Queens.
And if you’re into Peregrine Falcons Ben Cacace blog, NYC Nova Hunter has been keeping track of a pair on Park Avenue and the 55 Water Street webcam is back online.
Plus, James O’Brien’s The Origin of Species blog has news of American Kestrel, Peregrine and Hawk in midtown and Harlem.