I arrived at the NYAC around 6 pm tonight. I had a busy day, and came after visiting the 93rd Street nest. As I walked from the subway, I saw a fledgling on 200 Central Park South. It was on a terrace railing. I could also see only one eyass on the nest.
I than ran into a group of hawk watchers who showed me a second fledgling in a Honey Locust. The bird was above an ice cream truck.
The observers said they hadn’t seen the fledge of the second bird, so they couldn’t say who was who. I suspect that the bird on 200 Central Park South was the first hawk to fledge.
The bird above the ice cream truck stayed put while I was there but the one on 200 Central Park South got active, moving east along the railing and jumping down to the balcony floors and back up to railing. Eventually, it flew off the building. It tried to land on the NYAC but misjudged, then went by the nest and eventually tried to go up to a balcony on the eastern edge of the Essex House. It missed the landing and drifted down a corner of the building about 30 feet before righting itself and flying across the street to a London Plane tree.
The adult female who watched all this perched first on the Essex House, before perching further west. She eventually joined the remaining eyass on the nest and had a snack.
It was getting dark, so I went home. I’ll be away for a few days but can’t wait to see how all of the various hawk nest in Manhattan turn out. We still have lots of birds who will be fledging soon.