It was cold and windy, with partly cloudy skies. Owl watchers included Marie, then, Chris, then Lee, Jimmy, Noreen, Mary Ann, and Jean.
We saw one adult, Trident and the fledgling in the cavity trading places. The fledgling few out five to ten minutes before the adult, who stretches a wing before flying out. The wing stretch before fly out is a rarity.
After the fly out of the adult, the third owl which doesn’t have stripes on its forehead, so I’m calling it Herringbone comes in from somewhere. All fly rapidly northeast. A song is heard. I think it’s the adult love song. Jean, the fledgling crying for food. She may have gotten it right, as the adults may have begun to let Junior get its own food, rather than feeding it.
Jean and I go down into the Loch, down north path from road, then north a little on the west path.
Two owls are on a low branch, that then go towards the stream. The “path” was too wooded and thick to safely follow them in the dark, so we called it a night.