Things started slowly on 72nd Street. One parent was high up on 220 Riverside Boulevard and I saw a parent on 70th Street, east of West End Avenue and then at the bottom of Riverside Drive. But no fledglings.
Then out of the blue, one of them was on the ledge where the nest is. I thought, I know both of them have fledged. Was I wrong? It didn’t take long to find out the answer. The fledgling had only made a brief stop on the nest and it made a strong flight across the street.
When I turned the corner to see where it went, both fledglings were on 263 West End Avenue, which is on the NW corner of 72nd Street and West End Avenue.
For over 30 minutes the two hawks explored the terraces and balconies of the East and South facades of the building.
In all my years trying to study these hawks, this is the first time I’ve seen a fledgling at this nest!