The released Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Flaco, roosted in the same tree as last night, but used a different perch. He was hot and would gular flutter every so often. His roost tree is an American Elm and it has a number of open branches in the center. It is almost like the underside of an umbrella, and before flying out, he explored a number of branches. It seemed as though he was getting vantage points to see the eastern half of the North Meadow, and the pickleball games at the Recreation Center.
After flyout, he made a stop in a tree overlooking the western half of the North Meadow, before going to backstops and spending a great deal of time on the ground. Sometimes it was in the grass but most of time he was in the infield sand. He did a silly sand bath at one point, which reminded us of similar behavior from the 2021 Snowy Owl. As he did last night, Flaco used may of the same perches as the Snowy Owl had used.