Lola was on the Beresford when I looked for her early on Sunday afternoon.
She was looking down at something, so I went to look for it. I was hoping for a Long-Eared Owl, but found this……young hawk.I then saw Pale Male at the bottom of the Great Lawn. He switched trees a few times.Here he’s taking off to fly to another tree.A scratch.We had a number of “intruders”, including a Cooper’s Hawk, American Kestrel and this Turkey Vulture.Pale Male on one of the baseball backstops.Pale Male on the MET.Pale Male was found to be on his favorite MET security camera. He soon flew off, towards Turtle Pond.While watching for owls, the first year hawk came by.It ended up in a tree for the night in what I call the DMZ. The zone between the Central Park South hawks and Pale Male and Lola.Enjoy the winter in Central Park, but remember you’re going to be kicked out come spring by the old folks!