I’m on vacation in Newfoundland, Canada and while checking the the rare bird alerts for the Provence, I saw that the Steller’s Sea-Eagle was being seen in Trinity Bay. (This is the same bird, many New Yorker’s traveled to Maine to see earlier this year.)
I was staying in St. John and wasn’t sure if my non-birding husband would be up for a three hour trip, but he was! So we drove up today, checked into a very basic hotel for the night, and then made our way to Sea of Whales Adventures in Trinity. Their whale watching tours often have seen the Steller’s Sea-Eagle. After spending time with a Humpback Whale and her calf, we went to look for the Steller’s Sea-Eagle and she was exactly where they expected to find her.
We’re taking a second boat tomorrow and I hopefully will have some more photographs to share.