On the second full day after fledging, both eyasses were found in various places around the park, as well as their parents.
When I arrived, one eyass was on a building to the east of the Bobst Library, where the nest is. It was on the roof for over an hour. It ended up flying far south. At the end of the day, this eyass’ location was uncertain. It may have been on top of one of the Washington Square Village buildings, based on the parents behavior.
While we were searching for this fledgling, a parent and a Peregrine Falcon chased after each other. I hadn’t seen a Peregrine for awhile and thought they had left the neighborhood, but I guess they were just keeping a low profile.
Bobby and Rosie were both seen hunting in the evening. Both caught rodents. Bobby ate his second catch on a building south of the Silver building on the east side of the park.
Late in the evening one fledgling was found on a Silver balcony. It begged a little for food. Rosie came over with a rodent, and then flew of with it to a building to the south of Silver with the food. Parents use food to move stuborn fledglings from location to location, and I suspect Rosie wanted the fledgling off of Silver.