Today both fledglings spent lots of time near a group of Robins near the Boat House Café. Both ended up getting mobbed at some point.
Both birds also spent time on the ground. The mother even dropped some food on the ground for one of the fledglings to eat. The youngsters played with sticks, explored the bushes and had a few play fights. The “action” was great fun to watch, although on a few occasions the birds ended up a little too close to the exit ramp of the highway making us a little nervous.
There were a few moments when passers by or hawk watchers would get too close to the fledglings, and today almost everyone was happy to take a few steps backwards to give the birds some breathing room. It was nice to see New Yorkers, after an explanation of how concerned we were that the birds not be “pushed” up to the highway, stay on the paths and kept their distance.