Saturday, 2-25-06

I was the first to arrive at the fly out on Saturday afternoon.  I was relieved to see the Eastern Screech-Owl, who was almost run over by a car on Friday, standing in the entrance to the tree cavity.

After the problems of Friday, the fly out was back to a later time.  But something new occurred, the two owls jockeyed for position.  When it came time to fly out the owls switched places a few times, before the male left followed by the female.

He looked just fine after his close call of the earlier day.
Hey, it’s not your turn yet.  She didn’t manage to take his place.
He kept his position.
But then she did trade places.
He gets back in place and they flies out.
She flies out second.
The male looked great on a low branch near his tree cavity after the fly out.  He stayed a good long while before flying off for the night.  He looked extra cautious and it seemed very reasonable.

Friday, 2-24-06

On Friday evening we had quite a scare.  The male Eastern Screech-Owl ran into a car while flying out.  Quick thinking by Lee, stopped another car from running over him.  We all felt that he was dead as he lay motionless on the road, but like Lazarus, he quickly arose and flew off into a nearby bush.

He stayed put and recovered from the shock for a long while as we all worried about him.  Then he flew off to a nearby branch and then soon he was off north out of sight.  His flight pattern seemed normal, but we continued to worry about him as we left the park.

Just before the fly out.
After hitting the car and flying to a nearby branch.

Monday, 2-20-06

The male wakes up and gives us a nice view of him before flying out for the evening.

We get a great look at his foot before he flies out.
The female pops up right after the male.
After seeing her give us the same expression day after day, we finally get to see something different tonight.
The male is quite obliging this evening and poses for lots of photographs.

Thursday, 2-16-06

The owl we assume is the male will spend about thirty minutes standing in the cavity before flying out for the evening. Tonight, we got to see his wonderful white patch.


The female, who has a ligher and more visible beak (something we’ve begun to call the bucked tooth), flies out right after the male without almost no delay.
