Sunday, 3-5-06
Early in the morning this European Starling was trying to move into the owl’s cavity.

Still no sign of the father, but lots of pictures of the mother and her children in the late afternoon.

Saturday, 3-4-06
Bittersweet Solution To Our Mystery.
Our second adult is still missing but we now understand the shadows and second owls we saw Thursday and Friday. Photographs and video revealed that there at least two hatchlings in the cavity today.

Young Cooper’s Hawk Eats Afternoon Tea
This young Cooper’s Hawk makes afternoon tea out of a pigeon in the Tupelo Meadow.

Fordham Hawks make the tree to building nest move
Rob Jett reports on his excellent The City Birder blog, that the Fordham Campus Red-tailed Hawks have made the move from tree nesting to building nesting.
This makes the fourth New York City building nest I’ve heard reports of:
Fifth Avenue
Bronx Fire Escape (2004) (Daily News, NYC DEP)
Central Park South
Fordham Campus
Update: I forgot about the St. John the Divine (200?-?) nest, which would make five. If you know of other building nests in NYC, please leave a comment.