Don’t Believe The Newspapers!

An A.P. wire-story about Pale Male and Lola, picked up nationwide, stated that the Red-tail pair have abandoned their Fifth Avenue nest and have switched to the Beresford building at 81st and Central Park West.  I’m sure a naive reporter after seeing reports of the nest/egg abandonment at 5th Avenue, pictures of Pale Male carrying twigs on Lincoln Karim’s website and reports of the hawks spending their time on the Beresford, jumped to an improper conclusion in order to have an excuse to write a story about the rich and famous.

It’s important not to mix these three concepts, perches, roosts and nest,  when discussing Red-tailed Hawks.  The dictionary defines them as:

perch, noun, a thing on which a bird alights or roosts, typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage.

roost, noun, a place where birds regularly settle or congregate to rest at night, or where bats congregate to rest in the day.

nest, noun, a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.

For Red-tailed Hawks, these are three very distinct things. 

Pale Male and Lola have a number of perches, including two favorite places on the towers of the Beresford.  For years, they’ve spent many an afternoon at the Beresford, especially during the winter months.

Pale Male and Lola usually roost overnight in trees.  The exception is during nesting season, when Lola will sleep on the nest from about a week before she lays her eggs until a day or two after her children fledge.

For Red-tails a nest is a place to raise their young.  Outside of nesting season, they will check up on it daily, but it is not a place they will usually perch or sleep in.

Pale Male and Lola’s increased use of the Beresford is just business as usual.  We’ll only know if they’re going to switch nest sites in February.  Until then, don’t write off 5th Avenue.

Pale Male and Lola on opposite towers of the Beresford in early February.

Monday Excitement

Monday evening was a great deal of fun as there was lots of interesting activity by both the parents and the eyasses.

The adult female was on St. Luke’s when I arrived.

Although, they aren’t ready to fledge just yet, the are looking older than I had first thought.  Fledging could happen as soon as this weekend.

Besides their age, another mystery is how many eyasses do we have? Although I have pictures of three from 7-10 days ago, in the last week, I’ve only been able to see two. 

The adult female flies into the nest, picks something up. . .
. . .and flies off.
The adult female returns to a perch on St. Luke’s and is joined by three House Finches.
The adult male, who has been spending most of the evening on the Archangel Gabriel statue, looks wonderful in the setting sunlight.
The adult male
The adult female has flown off and returned with a squirrel.
Two tails in the city.
The adult male switches positions to a spot closer to the nest.
The parents reunite late in the evening.

Sunday at the Cathedral

Sunday was a relaxed day at the Cathedral.  It was cloudy and cool.

The mother perched on a new spot atop the bronze statue of St. Gabriel.
The eyasses now regularly use this left hand position on the nest.
They’re getting so big, I may need to revise my June 15th fledge date.  It may be coming a week earlier.
The parents are leaving food on the nest, and the eyasses are eating without assistance when they’re hungry.
A full crop after eating.
Their feathers have really filled in.
The adult female comes in and does a quick check. . .
. . . before flying off. . .
. . . to St. Luke’s across the street.
The eyass on the left has such a mature look now.
As I was leaving around 5:30, the female adult flew off in the direction of Central Park.  The male was above her circling above the park 300-500 feet higher.
The female then landed on 301 W 110th and had another brief encounter with a Mockingbird. . .
. . .before leaving and returning to the Cathedral.

Exterior of Choir Clerestory

Christopher Lyons was kind enough to send me information about the section of the Cathedral where the nest is located.

From the guidebook, The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, originally compiled by Edward Hagaman Hall, 17th edition, 1965, originally published in 1920.

“Exterior of Choir Clerestory

This rises above the roofs of the chapels.  In the canopied niches near the tops of the turrets and buttresses are ten stone figures nine and a half feet high by Borglum, as follow (south to north): St. James the Less with fuller’s club (indicating manner of his martyrdom), and St. Philip with Latin cross (symbol of his crucifixion), together on turret; St. Bartholomew, St. Thomas with square (spiritual architect); St. James the Great with pilgrim staff; St. Peter with key; St. Andrew with diagonal cross; St. Matthew with drapery over head; St. Simon with saw, and St. Jude with spear (indicating manner of their death), together on turret.  On the roof of the Choir facing eastward is a nine and a half foot bronze statue of St. Gabriel of the Resurrection, blowing a trumpet.  This is also by Gutzon Borglum.”

(Borglum was also the sculptor of Mt. Rushmore.)

So, as we look at the birds, we’ll need to remember that the sculptures are almost double life size!

The exterior of Choir Clerestory
as seen from 113th Street.  From left to right, St. Andrew (nest site), St. Matthew, St. Simon, and St. Jude.   The bronze statue of St. Gabriel of the Resurrection, blowing a trumpet is above with a Red-tailed hawk perched on top of it.
Detail of the St. Andrew statue.  An eyas is visible in the nest and adult is at the top left behind the nest.
Detail of the St. Matthew statue.
Detail of the St. Simon and St. Jude figures.