Gluttonous Monks

After reading Mary Beth Looper and Ben Cacace’s reports of four Monk Parakeets on the Yahoo! group ebirdsnyc, I’ve been trying to find time to see them.  The Parakeets are in the block bounded by West 77th Street, West 78th Street, Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue. 

I can confirm that there are four Monk Parakeets.  I saw them in two trees on 78th Street, close to Columbus.  They were enjoying two budding trees full of berries.

I couldn’t find their roost. Before dusk they appeared to go into the center of the block, where there are backyards and gardens, although they could have gone to an adjoining block.


Could Central Park Support Four Hawk Pairs?

Central Park can be divided up by the east/west roads that cross it. The park starts at 59th and ends at 110th Street.  In between there are major roads crossing the park, at 65th, 72nd, 79th, 86th and 97th.

If we use these major roads as approximate territorial lines for the current nesting Red-tails, the Trump Parc hawks get 59th-72nd, the Fifth Avenue hawks get 72nd to 86th Street. There is an open area between 86th and 97th, and the St. John the Divine hawks use the north end of the park from 97th to 110th. These ranges are very approximate.  (Both the Trump Parc and St. John the Divine hawks also use large areas adjacent to Central Park.)

The unclaimed area between 86th and 97th is where I’ve been seeing the new adult this week.  (This adult has been seen for the last three weeks by an experienced hawk watcher.)

This new hawk spent the late afternoon moving from tree to tree from 86th to 95th.  It made a number of hawk cries as it moved about. This hawk seems to be single, so the cries seemed unusual given that no other hawk seemed to be close by.  Is it just claiming the area for the winter?  (It seems to have claimed the subway vents from 86th to 92nd, which I’m sure have lots of prey in the late afternoon and early mornings.)

Or does it have hopes of attracting a mate and staying put?

So, here’s the big question…

Could Central Park support a fourth resident Red-tailed Hawk pair?

The comment section is open below for opinions! 

Update: There have been a number of excellent comments.  It seems that the issue isn’t can the park support four pairs, but can four pairs share the park when the breeding season begins or is it too small?


Christmas Eve Mystery

On Christmas Eve, we had a mystery.

Around 4:00, Pale Male and Lola are on the Beresford’s southeast tower.
At 4:10, I found this adult Red-tail on a building at 86th and Central Park West.
The bird moves south a few buildings.
Landing on a building at 83rd or 84th.
After a brief stop the hawk flies north, making a number of cries.
I lose sight of the bird, but it looked to be going into the park around 86th.  So, I walked north of the transverse, and two dog walkers pointed to this bird perching in this tree just inside the north 86th Street entrance to the park.
I thought it was Lola, but she slept on the Beresford according to Lincoln Karim.  So, who is this mystery bird? Is it the same hawk I had on the rooftops?  Or the bird that elicited the cries from the rooftop Red-tail?
The Red-tail was in the tree way after dark.  This was a 3 second exposure taken at 5:15 p.m.

Common Loon

On Christmas Eve Day, I got to see the Common Loon that’s been on the Reservoir.  It’s a new bird for my Central Park list.

I entered the park at 90th and Fifth Avenue and looked for the Loon.  I ended up making the entire loop of the Reservoir before finding the bird at 87th about 100 feet from the eastern bank.

The Common Loon has been doing lots of underwater diving, coming up for only about 20 seconds before going under.  Then it changed behavior.
It flapped its wings.
Stretched them out.
And took an aggressive posture.
The reason for all this behavior surfaced nearby, a Cormorant.