Like Clockwork on 86th

On Sunday, our 86th Street hawk made an appearance in the small meadow near where she sleeps around 4:15.  She moved from tree to tree, perched on a building at 89th and Central Park West, and then went back into the trees as usual.  It was too cold to stick around to see where she roosted for the evening.


86th Street Mystery Hawk Update

For at least six weeks, an adult Red-tailed Hawk has roosted in trees near 86th Street and Central Park West.  The hawk looks very much like Lola, but comparing notes with other hawk watchers, this is definitely not Lola who has been seen roosting in other locations.

Jean Dane, an avid hawk watcher, who lives in the neighborhood has been sending me updates. 

On January 8th she wrote, “Your division of Central Park into 59-72, 72-86, 86-97, and 97-110 makes a lot of sense to me, and does seem to be borne out by three known pairs in three known territories. My problem with the adult RT at 86th and C.P.W. is that I know for a fact that 86th is Pale Male and Lola’s turf, so couldn’t imagine for a moment that they would allow an adult outsider to be there. So I assumed that this “lady in red” HAD to be Lola (she is quite dark, like Lola, and also a little on the chunky side…). But if you’ve actually got confirmation of Lola on Beresford at same time this one is watching over little dish-shaped meadow at 86th/CPW, then we do indeed have an adult outsider staking out the 86-97 property: spectacularly fine lines these hawks are drawing here, no? – wow!

I’ve been checking every day, and she’s still there every day, starting late afternoon, occasionally moving from tree to tree in that little area. (Once I found her as far north as 103rd, just inside park at C.P.W., but that was about 6 weeks ago.) Your observation regarding cries bears out what I’ve seen and heard–there have been many many times that she screams even while perching (SEVEN yesterday evening from perches) – that seems unusual to me too, and makes it more likely, I think, that she’s trying to attract a mate (oh boy…).”

On January 15th, Jean wrote “Female RT was not in little football/soccer meadow this afternoon for half-hour at 2pm. However, on my way home at 2:30 I saw dark chunky female on top of water tank at 40 West 86th. Watched for another 10 minutes or so – no movement (also no yelling) – she seemed perfectly happy up there.

She could have been there all that time I guess – which, if Lola, would not be particularly unusual, but if Mystery Lady would be highly unusual, as I’ve not seen her on any buildings in 6 weeks, only trees in park: which (if Mystery Lady) makes it more likely she’s a country girl from up the Hudson somewhere, is what I’m thinking – no? Or maybe she’s been on buildings before and I’ve not noticed….

Anyway, new place to check, when you’re in this neighborhood: south side of 86th between CPW/Columbus – water tank on top of 40 West.”

N.B.  I’m a little more conservative when it comes to sexing Red-tails, so you won’t hear me saying “she” just yet.

After receiving Jean’s note, I went up to see the hawk on the 40 West 86th Street water tower.  These pictures were taken on an incredibly foggy and dark Monday afternoon.
A crow landed on the other side of the tower and soon the hawk was off.
The single crow (not in picture) chased the Red-tail to 5 West 86th Street, and then into the park.
The Red-tail took refuge in a thick set of branches and the crow exited the park via West 87th Street.
As is this hawk’s custom, it moved around from tree to tree around the small dust bowl of the unofficial playing field.
The hawk spent part of the time between the two playgrounds at 85th Street.

Jean sent me another update today.  “She was in her own meadow this morning, one of the trees nearest C.P.W. but by midday back on West 40’s tank – not on top like yesterday, but around the east side of tank near the BOTTOM. From several doors west of 21 West 86th you can see a rod or pipe that comes out near the bottom of the tank, between it and tallest yellow-brick chimney -that’s where she is now.”

The lesson here, is that like the Central Park South hawks, some city Red-tails actually enjoy the city more than the park!

O’ahu Vacation

Pictures from O’ahu…

Red Junglefowl
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
Hawaiian Coot
Black-crowned Night Heron
Two Black-crowned Night Herons in flight
Black-crowned Night Heron
Cattle Egret
Common Moorhen or ‘Alea ‘Ula
Common Moorhen or ‘Alea ‘Ula
Common Moorhen or ‘Alea ‘Ula
Common Peafowl

New Year’s Eve Day

On New Year’s Eve Day, I started hawk watching on the east side. 

Either Pale Male or Lola was atop the “Oreo Building”.  A Cooper’s Hawk moved from east to west through the Ramble, too quickly for me to get a picture.
Walking through the Locust Grove, I saw the park’s only Red Squirrel.
I walked up to 100th Street without seeing any Raptors.  I ran into Robert, and we walked back to towards 86th Street to see if our “new” adult was going to roost.  On the way there, we saw this hawk perched on a building in the low 90’s.
It moved down to tree level, and made a number of loops slowly moving north.  It stopped a few times and we could clearly see that it was an adult by its red tail.
It moved down to tree level, and made a number of loops slowly moving north.  It stopped a few times and we could clearly see that it was an adult by its red tail.

I continued to 86th Street.

Our 86th Street winter visitor had already settled down for the night.
It will be interesting to see if this hawk finds a mate and stays in the spring or moves on once the weather warms up.

Inwood Hill, 103rd Street and Central Park

I started the afternoon in Inwood Hill Park on Saturday.  The Urban Rangers hosted an Owl walk.  No owls were seen, but owl pellets were found and dissected.  Both kids and adults had a good time.

We didn’t see either of the Inwood Red-tails, but I did get a chance to see their nest.  I learned from a ranger that the female Inwood Red-tailed hawk had to be rescued in the fall.  She tested positive for West Nile virus, but has made a complete recovery and has been released back into the park.
This was the only raptor I saw up at Inwood was a Cooper’s Hawk.
The 103rd Street Monk Parakeets were on my way home, so I stopped by to take a look. One was on the balcony when I arrived.
The other was already inside the roost.
I then walked down to see how our 86th Street, Red-tailed Hawk was doing.  Like clockwork, after moving about for a fifteen minutes the hawk settled down for the evening.

Theodore Roosevelt Park

A mob of crows led me to a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk at 80th and Columbus Avenue.  The tree was in the Margaret Mead Green inside the Theodore Roosevelt Park which surrounds the American Museum of Natural History.

As soon as the crows left, the hawk resumed its meal of what looked to be Rock Pigeon.  It’s a good spot for the youngster.  Being behind Pale Male and Lola’s perch on the Beresford is a lot safer than being in front of it!
