CPW Chimney Swift Roost

After watching two Common Nighthawks at Belvedere Castle on Tuesday evening, I went over to watch the 230 Central Park West Chimney Swift roost. I detailed where and how to watch them two years ago in this post.

I didn’t have the patience to count them all going in, but I suspect there were somewhere between 500 and 1,000.

I’m posting three videos, one at normal speed, one at 50 times speed and one in 1/4 speed in case you want to count them!

Normal Speed
50x Speed
1/4 Speed

Common Nighthawks

This morning two Common Nighthawks were perched between the southern path of Turtle Pond and the 79th Street Transverse. The first was discovered by a participant of Paul Sweet’s American Museum of Natural History walk, and the second was found about about 75 yards east of the first.

While I’ve been seeing Common Nighthawks flying in the park after sunset, it was great to see to perched during the day.

North End

I had a great time on Sunday in the north end of Central Park.

The Pool had two unusual ducks for this time of year, a female Hooded Merganser and a female Wood Duck. The Hooded Merganser was unusual as we usually see them later in the fall on the Reservoir.

The Black Locusts at the Compost Heap, had both a Prairie Warbler and a Blackburnian Warbler.