Bald Eagle on Central Park’s Reservoir Again

The Bald Eagle seems to have switched the times of its visits to the Reservoir to earlier in the day to be somewhere between 12:15 and 1:30. I caught up with it early this afternoon, when it was raining lightly.

It took off towards the northwest, flying fairly low. It wasn’t clear if it was off to perch in a tree along the west drive or was leaving the park and flying towards the Hudson.

While the eagle ends up clearing the Reservoir of all the gulls, it doesn’t not seem to be hunting gulls or fish. It simply is wading in the water and drinking.

Bald Eagle on Central Park Reservoir

Late in the afternoon, a Bald Eagle visited Central Park’s Reservoir today. It stayed for at least 30 minutes. It took a few drinks of water and a few American Crows kept an eye on it. When it left it exited the park, it appeared to go west down 96th Street.

The earlier Bald Eagle visits this fall, seemed to be correlated with the warmer days, but today was in the 60’s. I’m happy to have my theory about the eagle visits only being on warm days disproven, as I’d like to see the eagle continue to visit as it gets colder in the late fall and winter.

American Wigeon

Turtle Pond had an American Wigeon on Saturday.

The wigeon was found by Chuck McAlexander’s Saturday Slow Birding walk group. As fall migration winds down, rare waterfowl are often found on the lakes and ponds of Central Park, as they make their way further south.

Indigo Bunting

Sparrow Rock has had an Indigo Bunting for a few days. It’s been eating grass seeds. Seed eating bird have beaks that let them separate the husk from the kernel. Watching this bunting, strip of grass seeds, and then husk the seeds, has been fairly easy. It has often been eating seeds within fifteen feet of observers.