Great Horned Owl, A Later Night

I carried my heavy camera equipment with me on Sunday, hoping the owl would be in the same perch but came up empty. So, I switched back to my light weight gear on Monday and then Tuesday. The owl was back in its Friday and Saturday perch on Tuesday but I found out too late to bring my better equipment!

However, I was able to get some decent pictures with my scope and iPhone.

Unlike Saturday, were it when to a high perch after fly out, which is what I’m used to with a Great Horned Owl, tonight this owl seemed to be interested in the rodents that it had been seeing from its perch. It flew out to two different branches about 25 feet off the ground and carefully looked at the ground. It flew off after about 40 minutes, and didn’t hunt in front of us, but we had extended views and enjoyed the experience!

Great Horned Owl

On Saturday, I was happy to find the Great Horned Owl that had been reported being in the park for a few days. I walked under an oak tree, which had been a roosting location of owls in past years to find a huge amount of white wash on the ground. I looked up and there was the owl.

The owl coughed up a pellet, and when it was found, there were two others nearby, that looked slightly disintegrated. So, it is possible that the owl had used the roosting location on previous days.

Both a Coopers Hawk and a Red-tailed Hawk harassed the owl, but there wasn’t the normal set of Blue Jays and Tufted Titmouses bothering the owl.

At fly out, it flew due east, perched for fifteen minutes and then flew west. We couldn’t relocate it. However on our way out, we did see an Eastern Cottontail rabbit, which further reminded us of our last Ramble Great Horned Owl, Geraldine. Nights with her often included a rabbit near the lake.

I looked for the owl on Sunday but couldn’t relocate it.

Peregrine Falcon

On a quiet afternoon out on Governor’s Island, I discovered a Peregrine Falcon on the fence of the sea wall, at the southern tip of the island at Picnic Point. It was amazing to have a Peregrine Falcon at eye level. I had about ten minutes with the bird, before it flew off in the direction of Staten Island.

American Tree Sparrow

An American Tree Sparrow was eating grass seed along the fence just north of the Tupelo Tree in the Tupelo Meadow of Central Park on Monday afternoon. It’s a plump, long tailed sparrow with a black dot in the center of its chest and a bicolored beak. It took some patience to watch and photograph it as it weaved its way through the thick grass and leaves. It was hidden much more than visible.

Red-breasted Merganser

A Red-breasted Merganser has arrived on the Central Park Reservoir and with some patience you could find it. Depending on when you looked, it could be easy to photograph, under water or in the worst possible place to view it or photograph it. I lucked out at the end of the day, when it when up on the reservoir’s divider and stayed close to the south gatehouse for 30 minutes.

Beresford Apartments

The oval windows of the Beresford Apartments towers were a favorite spot for Lola and Pale Male to perch on in the winter. Lola and Pale Male would either be together or they would be in separate windows, one on the Southeast tower and one on the Northeast tower.

Today, as I saw the pair from the San Remo perched on the Beresford together, it brought back memories of a pair of hawks, I spend years getting to know.