New York Athletic Club

New came in today of a newly discovered nest by Melissa Armo. It’s on the New York Athletic Club’s sixth floor. The building is on the Southeast corner of Central Park South and Seventh Avenue. The northern façade has two shields and the nest is behind the left (western) one. The nest needs to be viewed from the side. I was able to photograph it from the east and the west.

A parent came to the nest when I was viewing the nest around 5 pm. There are two, possibly three eyasses on the nest. It will take a few more trips to be sure.

Wild Turkey on Thursday

I was able to watch the Wild Turkey at its Saint Bartholomew Church Ginkgo Tree roost on Thursday evening. I looked for it on Friday morning, but was unable to relocate it. Hopefully, it has moved on to a safer location than Park Avenue.

Update: A Turkey was reported on eBird. Check out this checklist from May 17th. It may very well be the bird from midtown.