Seeing the Father at NYAC
I’ve been having a hard time finding the father, so it was great to see him for a few hours on the Essex House sign and then Hampshire House. He is so much lighter than the mother.
The mother perched two floors above the nest for at least an hour tonight. She was helping to keep the Blue Jays that attack the nest area, distracted and attacking her. The Blue Jays aren’t doing any harm, they’re just annoying. But I can understand, why they are so annoying. The father raided a jay nest last night and took a nestling.

NYAC Red-tailed Hawks
The evening was like many of the others with the mother coming in late in the evening, doing a little feeding and then just watching the eyasses. Before she came in we saw her up on a building across the street from the NYAC being harassed by a House Finch. After she arrived, I saw the father raid a Blue Jay nest.
The mother had turned her back on the eyasses to watch the park view, and one of the eyasses pulled and puller on her tail to get her to turn back around. Kids!
Back to Normal at the NYAC
It was great to see the adult female looking normal today. No closed left eye or droopy left wing. Instead she looked great. She was on top of the NYAC mid-afternoon, and when I returned around 7 pm was already on the nest helping feed the eyasses. She looked great and as though nothing had happened to her over the last week.
Thank you to the Wild Bird Fund for taking care of her and returning her as soon as possible.
The male made a brief visit mid-afternoon, but he spends so little time on the nest I didn’t have a chance to take his picture.