93rd Street Update
My visit to the nest started slow. I could only see two eyasses at first and wondered if one had fledged, but finally saw the third one. With some light rain falling, the fledglings became more active and the third one appeared and started eating. They’ve started branching, which is a sign they will fledge soon.
Then I heard some angry Blue Jays and found a parent on a street light. It went south, continuing to be harassed by the jays, and reappeared on another street light with a Brown Rat in its talons. The jays then dived bombed and dive bombed. Eventually, the hawk went to a tree north of the nest and then a hawk delivered the rat. I think it as the male hunting and the female making the delivery, but I’m not 100% sure.
The delivery was quick. When the eyasses are close to fledging, it’s common for the parents to just make deliveries and then let the eyasses eat on their own. I’m going away for a long weekend starting Thursday, so unless they fledge Tuesday or Wednesday, I suspect they’ll be gone by the time I return.