The fledglings have started using trees and that makes them much harder to keep track of. This afternoon it took me over three hours to find all of them and their parents.
When I arrived one fledgling was back on the nest. It stayed there but eventually flew to the right hand shield before flying into Central Park late in the afternoon when the father brought some food.
One fledgling was in a tree across from the Essex House about 50 feet inside the park. It was staring me in the face but without any harassing robins or jays, took me awhile to find. The father was in the next tree keeping watch for about an hour.
The mother appeared around 5 pm on 200 Central Park South.
The last member of the family, was nearby the whole time. I could hear it calling for food, for about an hour but couldn’t find it. Eventually another hawk watcher found it.
So, we saw everyone but it took time to find them all.