Viewers of the webcam got to see one of the fledglings return to the nest and get fed. Returning to the nest by a fledgling doesn’t happen that often, as the nest is primarily a nursery rather than a home for Red-tailed Hawks. But when it does, it’s fun to watch.
I saw both a fledgling and the mother, Rosie on the nest in the evening. Highlights of the night included a miscalculated landing on the library by a fledgling. It though it could land on a window ledge, but there wasn’t really a ledge, so it floated down to a ledge on the second floor of the library. Luckily, it looked much more dangerous than it turned out to be.
The fledglings ventured into the trees, and it is possible that one may have roosted in a tree for the evening but it was hard to tell for sure.