The evening at the Cathedral started with the adult male up on the eastern side of the building. He was in an area that protected him against the attacks of a pair of American Kestrels. Eventually, he took off towards Manhattan Avenue and 110th with an American Kestrel in tow.
I went on a walk through Morningside Park to find the fledgling expecting to find it in a tree. However, I took a look back at the Cathedral just in case from the ballfields, and much to my surprise, I saw the fledgling sitting on the nest!
It was eating. I guess the nest must be a safe place to eat with the two Kestrels being so aggressive. After eating the fledgling then made a number of stops, being harassed by either Kestrels, Robins or Jays the whole time. The stops included trees in Morningside Park, trees on Morningside Drive, the Cathedral School, and eventually somewhere in the Cathedral grounds.