The story of Dora’s return is getting more interesting.
Due to a WPIX newscast about an apartment needing repair, we’ve learned of the location of what seems to be Christo and Nora’s (Dora’s replacement while she was in rehab) nest. It is on an air conditioner on the west façade of 90 Baruch Drive (which is also marked 80 Baruch Drive for reasons only known to the NYC Housing Authority) on the tenth floor. The nest only seems to have just been started and seems to need more work. The new nest is about ten blocks southeast of Tompkins Square Park.
We saw Nora eat lunch on a building just opposite the nest in the early afternoon and had glimpses of another hawk, presumably Christo. Hawk watchers reported seeing them copulate on Friday.
Mid-afternoon a group of us shifted our hawk watching to Tompkins Square Park, where we found Christo and Dora in the same tree. Dora made a loop of the park, and joined a Cooper’s Hawk in a tree for a few minutes. Reports came in after I left the park, that Christo and Dora copulated.
I think we’ll need some good photographs to know for sure that Christo is trying to support both females, but it sure looks like it.