Tonight, the male arrived, trilled a few times and then took off as normal to the south around 5:30 p.m. The female only came out of the cavity for a few minutes
around 7 p.m. (On the last few nights, the female has left the
nest when the male has arrived with food, the pair has copulated and she has quickly returned to the nest.)
One of the odd things about the reintroduced Central Park owls is how early they have nested. We’ve had fledglings in mid-March in previous years. (The early nests may be simply an issue with the reintroduced owls needing a few generations to get their timing right or some more serious environmental issue with the park.)
A female Eastern Screech-Owls typically spends about six days resting before laying eggs, three to six days laying eggs, thirty days after the first egg is laid to incubate, and their offspring take between twenty-four and thirty-two days to fledge.
So the previous early nesting history of this female and her current behavior I would bet she’s nesting now.