I started the afternoon in Inwood Hill Park on Saturday. The Urban Rangers hosted an Owl walk. No owls were seen, but owl pellets were found and dissected. Both kids and adults had a good time.
We didn’t see either of the Inwood Red-tails, but I did get a chance to see their nest. I learned from a ranger that the female Inwood Red-tailed hawk had to be rescued in the fall. She tested positive for West Nile virus, but has made a complete recovery and has been released back into the park.This was the only raptor I saw up at Inwood was a Cooper’s Hawk.The 103rd Street Monk Parakeets were on my way home, so I stopped by to take a look. One was on the balcony when I arrived.The other was already inside the roost.I then walked down to see how our 86th Street, Red-tailed Hawk was doing. Like clockwork, after moving about for a fifteen minutes the hawk settled down for the evening.