I went to Green-Wood Cemetery for the first time on Sunday. It looks like a great place for a Red-tailed Hawk family.
Big Mama on her nest.Junior trying to raid a nest while being harassed by a Mockingbird.The Mockingbird was relentless and Junior moved on.Junior is Big Mama’s new mate, not one of the young ones, by the way.A close up of Big Mama’s very light eyelids. I thought they were lighter than I had remembered other Red-tails having, but I reviewed some old photographs and they’re the same as other Red-tails.Her kids have them too.The nest has two chicks.While we were there a Turkey Vulture passed through. Both parents were quick to fly off and escort the Vulture out of the area.The Turkey Vulture leaving the area!They eyasses finally wake up and become active.Big Mama returns to a nearby tree.Before returning to the nest.