On Sunday, the Great Horned Owl was in the North Woods for the second day. It had chosen a much safer location than its Saturday tree. It was in a much quieter and more secluded area. It had also chosen a higher perch.
Unlike on Saturday, when the owl was wide awake and alert most of the afternoon, on Sunday the owl for the most part looked to be sleeping, opening its eyes and turning its head only on a few occasions when I saw it around 2 p.m.
If you go birding in the North Woods, please keep the noise levels down around the Great Horned, keep your distance and avoid flash photography. We have a day sleeper who needs some shuteye as our guest! Let’s be good hosts.
The American Birding Association has an excellent Code of Birding Ethics. It’s great reading, and reminds advanced birders to coach newer birders about birding etiquette.