On Saturday, I was happy to find the Great Horned Owl that had been reported being in the park for a few days. I walked under an oak tree, which had been a roosting location of owls in past years to find a huge amount of white wash on the ground. I looked up and there was the owl.
The owl coughed up a pellet, and when it was found, there were two others nearby, that looked slightly disintegrated. So, it is possible that the owl had used the roosting location on previous days.
Both a Coopers Hawk and a Red-tailed Hawk harassed the owl, but there wasn’t the normal set of Blue Jays and Tufted Titmouses bothering the owl.
At fly out, it flew due east, perched for fifteen minutes and then flew west. We couldn’t relocate it. However on our way out, we did see an Eastern Cottontail rabbit, which further reminded us of our last Ramble Great Horned Owl, Geraldine. Nights with her often included a rabbit near the lake.
I looked for the owl on Sunday but couldn’t relocate it.