Bobby, the male Washington Square Red-tailed Hawk was hard to find for most of the evening. He appeared briefly on the nest around 5:00 but then wasn’t seen until he returned to his favorite perch on the cross of Judson Memorial Church around sunset. He then made a brief stop on a Bobst Library ledge (one east of the nest), and then went off to roost in the NW corner of the park.
The New York Times City Room Blog posted a link to my site. I thought it would be helpful for the webcam viewers to have a chart of locations Bobby has been seen off the nest. There’s a lot more than the 3 foot by 3 foot view the webcam shows!

1) Nest location on Bobst Library
2) Cross on Judson Memorial Church
3) Favorite Flag Pole
4) Failed 2010 One Fifth Avenue Nest
5) Various other perches