Between visiting in the afternoon and then again later in the evening, I missed seeing Floco going to the ground. But on my evening visit, I saw Floco being very comfortable moving from tree to tree and doing a great job of leaving a tree quickly when he was visited by a raccoon.
I’ve heard a lot of folks second guess the Wildlife Conservation Society staff. They’re having to keep the Eurasian Eagle-Owl out of trouble while they wait for opportunities to recapture it. Given the vandalism that released Floco, it’s understandable that they can’t be forthcoming with details about their recapture plans. At this point Floco looks great, and we should let the W.C.S. staff do their jobs without a lot of second guessing.
Situations like this one don’t always turn out well. If that happens, which I hope it doesn’t, we should be careful not to blame the W.C.S. staff, but the person who released the owl.