Just when you think you know Flaco’s habits, he changed things up on you. It’s what makes watching him so enjoyable after almost six months. On Sunday night, he wasn’t in his normal roost tree and couldn’t be located. Then a number of folks searched for a few hours in the trees and meadows he’s been hunting in and couldn’t find him.
After 10 pm, he finally showed up on a Tennis Court fence but only stayed there for a few minutes. With only two observers looking for him, we had troubles relocating him. But, then he appeared in the middle of a park walkway in plain sight. He got spooked by a jogger but we were able to relocate him and stay with him until the park closed at 1 am.
He was in what I would have thought was a too open area, but he was comfortable making a number of hunting passes and caught at least one rodent, which he ate on a Tennis Court fence.