I’m about to go on vacation for two weeks, so this might be my last Flaco post for awhile. It’s been great to watch Flaco do much better than expected and survive for a month in Central Park. I would have preferred that he had captured and sent to a facility with a flight cage, but that now looks unlikely.
Tonight, he hooted for a long time from a conifer, before jumping between a few branches. Out of the blue, a Red-tailed Hawk knocked him off his perch. It happened in about a second. I suspect has we get closer to having the hawks nest, they will become even more agressive.
Flaco then moved to the Harlem Meer Pool/Rink construction site, then to a tree above the drive, and swooped down into the site but appeared to continue flying. We then couldn’t relocate him. He is now comfortable flying long distances, which makes him much harder to track.