102nd and Riverside Drive
Thanks to an email from Melody Andres, I learned of a Red-tailed Hawk nest at 102nd and Riverside Drive. The nest is over the sidewalk of the main two-way section of Riverside Drive, not the one way, eastern section that goes from 97th to 110th. It can be seen well from the lawn across the street from the nest.
The pair was very active while I was there perching on building up and down the drive, soaring high together, being harassed by two crows, and working on the nest.
After visiting Riverside, I went down to Washington Square Park. The nest on the Bobst Library looks refreshed. It is now even higher now and the brooding female and hopefully eyasses later this year, will be less visible from the street. I saw both hawks and one visited the nest.
The video and photos below are from Riverside Drive.