Great Time At TCC

The Terence Cardinal Cooke Red-tailed Hawks Nest is looking great. The three eyasses are now big enough to watch with ease and are very active. I had a great time watching them this afternoon. When it got a bit too sunny and hot, the mother would provide shade for them. It was fun to watch.

TCC Nest

After watching the nest at 84th Street, I north and saw some nice birds. We’re in the peak of migration and added Wilson’s Warbler, Chestnut-side Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Cap May Warbler and Red-headed Woodpecker to my year list.

Then I visited the TCC Nest as my last stop. The parents and the three eyasses look great.

Gray Day at TCC

The Terence Cardinal Cooke Red-tailed Hawks continue to do well. On a gray day, I caught up with the hawks around 7 p.m. just after a feeding. The adults seemed to be concerned about what to do with an old Brown Rat, with the female winning the argument. The two eyasses were seen briefly.