Sleepy Afternoon At TCC
The eyasses at the Terence Cardinal Cooke Red-tailed Hawk nest were sleeping most of the afternoon away on Friday. They’ve gotten a lot bigger in just a few weeks.
The eyasses at the Terence Cardinal Cooke Red-tailed Hawk nest were sleeping most of the afternoon away on Friday. They’ve gotten a lot bigger in just a few weeks.
The Terence Cardinal Cooke Red-tailed Hawks Nest is looking great. The three eyasses are now big enough to watch with ease and are very active. I had a great time watching them this afternoon. When it got a bit too sunny and hot, the mother would provide shade for them. It was fun to watch.
After watching the nest at 84th Street, I north and saw some nice birds. We’re in the peak of migration and added Wilson’s Warbler, Chestnut-side Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Cap May Warbler and Red-headed Woodpecker to my year list.
Then I visited the TCC Nest as my last stop. The parents and the three eyasses look great.
As often happens a few days after seeing two eyasses on a nest, out of nowhere, you see a third. That happened to me today up at Terence Cardinal Cooke at 105th and Fifth. It will be extra fun to watch the parents raise three this year!
The Terence Cardinal Cooke Red-tailed Hawks continue to do well. On a gray day, I caught up with the hawks around 7 p.m. just after a feeding. The adults seemed to be concerned about what to do with an old Brown Rat, with the female winning the argument. The two eyasses were seen briefly.
I was able to watch a feeding at the Terence Cardinal Cooke nest this evening. There are at least two eyasses on the nest. It will be fun to watch two youngsters play on the ledge this year.