Pinetum Fledglings

My visit to watch the Pinetum fledglings had the older fledgling exploring Seneca Village, especially the area west of the West Drive. The younger fledgling spent its time near the nest.

The father made lots of flights around the area, and brought a pigeon to the nest but dropped it close to the West Drive. There were too many folks on the road for the father to retrieve it. I suspect it will get picked up early the next day.

More Pinetum Fledglings

The Pinetum fledglings behaved much like they did on my last visit. The older was flying around trees around the nest and the younger fledgling was staying in the nest tree. The male brought the younger one a rodent while I was watching them. The mother wasn’t staying so close but was watching from farther away. But other than that not much was happening. I hope to see more action in coming weeks.

Pinetum Fledglings

A week after they fledged, I had a chance to see the two fledglings. Mellow was the theme. Both hawks were just hanging out and relaxing more most of the time I was with them. Both parents made visits and food was left on the nest. The youngest fledging ate for a bit and the mother ate leftovers.

It should be a fun summer watching these two learn to hunt and fend for themselves.

Pinetum Nest Fledges

On Tuesday around 7:30 pm, the first of the two eyasses fledged. So, I went to the nest on Wednesday to see what was up.

A group of us searched for the fledgling, but came up empty at first. There was still a bird on the nest and the mother was nearby. The male delivered food to the nest, and the fledgling returned to the nest tree. It was a few feet below the nest.

The yet to fledge bird ate, and then the mother ate some of the leftovers, before taking them to a nearby tree.

The yet to fledge bird did lots of branching at this point, and Stella Hamilton found the fledgling in a tree at the north end of the Locust Grove. While we were watching the fledgling, the eyass on the nest tree, flew to the next tree. It was enough of a trip, that folks though it counted as a fledge.

The next two months should be fun watching these two youngsters. It will be interesting to see where the parents take them. The Great Lawn, the Pinetum, or Summit Rock?