Branching at 116th and Riverside
The hawks at 116th and Riverside have begun “branching”, so they should be leaving the nest soon. Good luck little guys!

The hawks at 116th and Riverside have begun “branching”, so they should be leaving the nest soon. Good luck little guys!
The 84th and West End Avenue nest has one eyass this year. This has been a difficult nest over the years with eyasses dying on the nest and a low birth rate. Hopefully this year’s eyass will do well, fledge and have a good summer in Riverside Park.
The two eyasses are looking a great deal older than the last time I saw them. Fluffy gray bodies have given way to brown wings and orange chests. There mother was just finishing up a feeding when I arrived.
Although we can’t see the eyasses yet, frequent trips off the nest by the female, flies, what look like feedings and the male bringing in food, make it clear the nest has hatched. Nice to see a young couple with a new nest be successful. Between this nest, the Grant’s Tomb nest and the Peregrine Falcons on Riverside Church this should be a fun area to watch. And St. John the Divine is also a short walk away!
Welcome little one! My first glimpse of an eyass (hawk hatchling) this year. The eyass looked like it could be a week old. (Red-tailed Hawk eggs don’t hatch all at the same time, so it common for us to see one, then two then three eyasses. We may not know for a few weeks how many eyasses are in this nest.)
Thanks to some great detective work by Melody Andres, we now know that both the Grant’s Tomb (1) nest at 123rd Street and Riverside Drive and the 116th Street and Riverside Drive nest (2) are both active with two different pairs of hawks. These are close by to a Peregrine Falcon scrape (3) at Riverside Church, and close to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine nest site (4).
I had always thought Manhattan Hawk and Peregrine nests were like a checkerboard, with each taking different squares, but these three nests are so close together that it defies all that I had believed about nest positioning in the city.
Grant’s Tomb
116th Street and Riverside Drive