Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Long Night
Without meaning to I spent six hours with Flaco last night.
He flew out as he normally would waking up and doing some stretches before leaving his roost tree. He made a quick stop and hooted from the overlook of the Green Bench area, before flying to a tree on the Ridge Trail that overlooks the construction site. He hooted there for over an hour in dense foliage.
We heard him stop hooting and he appeared on an excavator in the center of the construction site. He made a series of visits inside the new building, and retuned to the excavator a number of times. He then left the construction site.
We heard him hooting and he was in a tree that overlooks the Harlem Meer. His presence upset a flock of Canada Geese, who moved around in response to his presence. When he left his perch, he flew over them and they scattered.
He then went to the Compost Heap area, where he stayed in his favorite tree, before making a quick trip off of it. We couldn’t see where he went, but he soon returned to the tree. After some time, he then flew to a pile of rocks and then a concrete pipe. He left the pipe a few times, but kept returning to it.
Around Midnight, he left the Compost Heap and began hooting in a tree along the East Drive.