Spring Birds
Now that Spring has arrived and Daylight Savings time has started, it’s possible to some real birding after work.
Here are some birds from Monday evening.
Now that Spring has arrived and Daylight Savings time has started, it’s possible to some real birding after work.
Here are some birds from Monday evening.
A sure sign of Spring are the almost fluorescent white and yellow colors that have replaced the dull white and yellow colors of a few weeks earlier on the park’s White-throated Sparrows.
On Sunday around 5:30 p.m. I ran into Bob Levy, who said there were reports of a large bird west of the Lake. We went to see what was there and within minutes saw a Wild Turkey. After about 40 minutes, it flew up into a tree and roosted for the night. What a nice ending to a day of very mixed weather.
One goes through periods where one doesn’t see anything special while birding, and then all at once you turn a corner and see lots of interesting birds. This happened to me on Thursday evening around 6 p.m. I photographed four birds, including a new bird for my Central Park list, a Merlin on a ten minute walk from the East 70’s to the West 70’s.
Daffodils are blooming and other signs of Spring are all around the park. The diversity of birds being reported has increased greatly in the last ten days.
The 5th Avenue hawk watchers found this Brown-headed Cowbird behind their bench at the model boat pond on Saturday.
I started birding on Sunday afternoon at the north end of the park and worked my way down to the Ramble.