Dinner Duck In Central Park

What’s a commercial bred of duck doing in Central Park?  For years there have been Pekin /Mallard duck hybrids up by the Pool, who always fool first year birders who try to find them in their guides.  But on Sunday, I saw a new pure bred farm duck in the fenced in area south of Turtle Pond.

Is this duck an escapee from a slaughter house or an Easter chick who grew too big for a household?


Orange-crowned Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

An Orange-crowned Warbler has been in Central Park near Belvedere Castle.  The light was making it difficult to photograph the bird, but I got to add a new bird to my Central Park bird list. As often happens when lots of birders gather, two hard to find birds were also spotted while we waited for the Orange-crowned Warbler, a Blue-headed Vireo and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Ring-necked Pheasant

A male Ring-necked Pheasant was reported by Starr Saphir and Lenore Swenson on Wednesday.  It was been staying in the area between Hernshead and Balcony Bridge, along the Lake.  It was still there on Saturday.  A new bird for my Central Park List.


Red-breasted Merganser, Eastern Phoebe and the 5th Avenue Nest

On Saturday, I ran around Central Park in the afternoon.

First stop was the Meer, where I got shots of a Red-breasted Merganser drake with his punk hair style.  He’s the bird in the foreground with a Ruddy Duck behind him on the right. He’s a new bird for my Central Park Bird List.
While walking down to the Fifth Avenue nest, I saw this Eastern Phoebe, a sure sign of spring.
When I got to Fifth Avenue, at first nothing was visible.  Lola was on the nest, snuggled into the nest and hidden.  But soon Pale Male arrived and sat on the window the hawk watchers have nicknamed Linda 6.
Lola got up to rearrange herself, and move a few twigs.
But soon settled in out of sight again.