Weekend Birds
The fall migration has started. The Central Park list had 81 species on Sunday.

The fall migration has started. The Central Park list had 81 species on Sunday.
The light was very bright on Saturday, so I got a chance to photograph Barn Swallows in flight over the Harlem Meer. At times two birds would touch in flight. I was able to catch a few of these touches. I haven’t figured out the purpose of the touching, although it seems to be some kind of social behavior.
I birded both ends of Central Park on Saturday. Up north, there were Snowy Egrets flying south. The fall migration has started and the species list on NYC Bird Report has warblers, ducks and other birds that haven’t been seen since the spring.
My Sunday walk from the Sheep Meadow to the Metropolitan Museum of Art started and ended with two fathers, the 888 Seventh Avenue male, nicknamed Junior and the 5th Avenue male, Pale Male.
On Saturday, I took a NYC Audbon trip to the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. The trip was led by Don Riepe, who did a wonderful job. Audubon provided a bus, so the trip was easy. After leaving the Manhattan Audubon office, our first stop was the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge’s West Pond, followed by the East Pond and then a visit to Fort Tilden before returning to Manhattan.
It was a fun day. The trip had a full range of birders, from the beginner to the advanced. Don Riepe, did a great job of keeping everyone interested and kept us out of the Poison Ivy too! NYC Audubon has a full calender of events throughout the year. The current schedule can be found on their website, www.nycaudubon.org.
The light was much better on Saturday and I finally got some nice photographs of the Least Sandpipers on The Lake mud flat.