New Birds and Old
This weekend, I got to see some new species and some old favorites.

This weekend, I got to see some new species and some old favorites.
An Orange-cheeked Waxbill, an African finch has been seen on the western edge of the maintenance field for a few days. Most likely an escapee from a zoo, it has been hanging out with house sparrows. It won’t be able to tolerate the cold weather, so it will most likely perish later this month.
A Connecticut Warbler was seen in Central Park along the Lake on Saturday. Connecticut’s are known for being shy. But this one, which was eating caterpillars on a Mulberry tree, was more than happy to let people watch it.
On Saturday, the 2nd Annual Shorebird Festival at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge was held. It was a joint presentation of NYC Audubon and the American Littoral Society. About 80 birders were in attendance.
A female plumaged Blue-winged Teal has been on the Harlem Meer since the 11th of August. It is a small duck, much smaller than the Mallards, American Ducks and Gadwalls that are normally on the Meer.
I had missed it on two other trips to the Meer, but saw it today. When I saw it on Saturday afternoon it was resting on the sandy beach on the southeast shore of the Meer.