Wild Turkey, 4 Weeks Later
The park’s young Wild Turkey is looking much better and seems to be nearing the end of his fall Juvenile molt.

The park’s young Wild Turkey is looking much better and seems to be nearing the end of his fall Juvenile molt.
The Wild Turkey in Central Park is looking a lot better these days. Almost all of the molted feathers are coming back and today for the first time I heard it start to vocalize. I can’t wait to see what the final result is going to look like (and sound like) in a few weeks!
The Connecticut Warbler was more difficult to find on Sunday, but for about twenty minutes gave us excellent views. The bird seen on Sunday has some feathers out of place near the back of its head on the right side.
The Connecticut Warbler that has been in the Pinetum has stuck around and was seen on Saturday. I photographed it and some birds at Tanner’s Spring.
Central Park had a Connecticut Warbler Sunday, with another Connecticut Warbler being seen on Monday. I photographed other warblers on Sunday, including a Yellow-rumped Warbler, Pine Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Palm Warbler and Yellow-breasted Chat.
In addition to the warblers, I got nice shots of a Red-eyed Vireo and a Northern Mockingbird.
Central Park’s young Wild Turkey is looking much better. After molting, it has grown back its neck feathers, and is beginning to grow back its tail and coverts feathers.