American Goldfinch

In late August, Central Park can have lots of migrants one day and be quiet the next.  On Saturday, it was fairly quiet.  A highlight was a common bird for the park, an American Goldfinch.  Generally we see them at the bird feeders in the winter, so it was nice to see this bird enjoying seeds in the Wildflower Meadow in the North Woods.


Windy and Cold Central Park

On Sunday, I spent most of the day in the park trying to see a Common Redpoll without success.  However, I did have a good time seeing a group of Red-winged Hawks for the first time this year, a very beautiful European Goldfinch (possibly an escapee rather than a wild bird), Owls and the Common Merganser on the Harlem Meer.  While I wasn’t trying for a long species list, I did end up with a respectable 37.

180 Canada Goose
3 Wood Duck
57 Mallard
6 Bufflehead
8 Hooded Merganser
1 Common Merganser
2 Ruddy Duck
1 Pied-billed Grebe
2 Double-crested Cormorant
1 Cooper’s Hawk
4 Red-tailed Hawk
2 American Coot
18 Ring-billed Gull
1 Great Black-backed Gull
4 Mourning Dove
2 Northern Saw-whet Owl
2 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
6 Downy Woodpecker
1 Hairy Woodpecker
4 Blue Jay
8 Black-capped Chickadee
33 Tufted Titmouse
6 White-breasted Nuthatch
1 Brown Creeper
74 American Robin
2 European Starling
1 Song Sparrow
23 White-throated Sparrow
2 Dark-eyed Junco
4 Northern Cardinal
7 Red-winged Blackbird
20 Common Grackle
9 House Finch
11 American Goldfinch
1 European Goldfinch
15 House Sparrow