I went down to Bryant Park to look at the Chuck Will’s-widow at night to see if I could take pictures of it feeding. I did get to see it but it was only perching while I visited. At least it was awake!
A Chuck Will’s-widow has been seen in Bryant Park for most of the week. This nocturnal insect eater is a rare visitor to Manhattan, so it has become a celebrity for the New York birder community to visit!
At the feeders on Saturday, were an American Tree Sparrow and a Chipping Sparrow. (The Tree sparrow has a bi-colored beak and one wing bar.) They very cooperatively both went to a single bird feeder together a few times.
Central Park in the winter has a number of visitors from farther north. Today’s special bird was a Common Redpoll, a small finch. It certainly made a grey day a bit brighter for me.